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Public complaints

Adelaide cityscape with Adelaide Festival Centre's white shell-like roofs, a river, bridge, and city skyline in the background.

Number of Public Complaints Reported

Complaint Categories and Sub-categories

  • Professional Behaviour
    • Staff Attitude: Failure to demonstrate values such as empathy, respect, fairness, courtesy, extra mile, cultural competency.
      Number of Complaints: 3
    • Staff Competency: Failure to action service request; poorly informed decisions; incorrect or incomplete service provided.
      Number of Complaints: 4
    • Staff Knowledge: Lack of service-specific knowledge; incomplete or out-of-date knowledge.
      Number of Complaints: 1
  • Communication
    • Communication Quality: Inadequate, delayed or absent communication with customer.
      Number of Complaints: 1
    • Confidentiality: Customer’s confidentiality or privacy not respected; information shared incorrectly.
      Number of Complaints: 0
  • Service Delivery
    • Systems/Technology: System offline; inaccessible to customer; incorrect result/information provided; poor system design.
      Number of Complaints: 3
    • Access to Services: Service difficult to find; location poor; facilities/environment poor standard; not accessible to customers with disabilities.
      Number of Complaints: 8
  • Service Quality
    • Timeliness: Lack of staff punctuality; excessive waiting times (outside of service standard); timelines not met.
      Number of Complaints: 0
    • Safety: Maintenance; personal or family safety; duty of care not shown; poor security service/premises; poor cleanliness.
      Number of Complaints: 3
    • Service Responsiveness: Service design doesn’t meet customer needs; poor service fit with customer expectations.
      Number of Complaints: 0
  • Product Quality (Performance, Event, or Ancillary)
    • Cost of Goods: Performances, events, ancillary goods.
      Number of Complaints: 8
    • Systems/Technology/Design: Performance or event did not meet customer expectations.
      Number of Complaints: 14
  • No Case to Answer
    • Another Patron Affected the Customer Experience: Not raised at the time, no allowance for staff to address.
      Number of Complaints: 44
    • Third Party; Customer Misunderstanding: Redirected to another agency; insufficient information to investigate.
      Number of Complaints: 32

Total Complaints: 121

Additional Metrics

  • Number of Positive Feedback Comments: 45
  • Number of Negative Feedback Comments: 66
  • Total Number of Feedback Comments: 111
  • % Complaints Resolved Within Policy Timeframes: 95%

Data for previous years is available at:

Service Improvements

Most patron concerns are managed during their visit to the Adelaide Festival Centre. When this is not possible, or if a patron calls or sends an email after their visit, their feedback is investigated, tracked, and responded to directly.

Compliance Statement

  • Adelaide Festival Centre Trust is compliant with Premier and Cabinet Circular 039 – complaint management in the South Australian public sector.
  • Adelaide Festival Centre Trust has communicated the content of PC 039 and the agency’s related complaints policies and procedures to employees.

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