Our reconciliation vision is to celebrate First Nations cultures through recognition, representation, collaboration, and action.
Adelaide Festival Centre is proud to provide opportunities and initiatives for First Nations creatives to produce, promote, and showcase works across all areas of the arts, so that all South Australians can learn and celebrate First Nations cultures and histories.
Upcoming shows

Related pages
Reconciliation Action Plan
Learn about Adelaide Festival Centre's Reconciliation Action Plan.

Kaurna Reconciliation Sculptures
Kaurna miyurna, Kaurna yarta tampinthi (recognising Kaurna people and Kaurna land)

Yerta Project
Adelaide Festival Centre's internal National Reconciliation Week 2022 initiative

Art by South Australian Aboriginal Artists.

A celebration of art by young South Australian Aboriginal artists.

On the blog
Iconic South Australian band No Fixed Address signs historic Her Majesty’s Theatre signature wall
Iconic South Australian First Nations band, No Fixed Address played to a rapturous house at Her Majesty’s Theatre as part of their national tour in July.

The First 50 Podcast — Episode 8: Celia Coulthard, Nancy Bates & Temaana Sanderson-Bromley
In episode 8 of The First 50 podcast, delve into First Nations music, art, and storytelling, with guests Celia Coulthard, Nancy Bates, and Temaana Sanderson-Bromley, ahead of Adelaide Festival Centre’s OUR MOB and OUR YOUNG MOB events.

The First 50 Podcast — Episode 2: William Barton
In Episode 2 of The First 50 Podcast, hear didgeridoo virtuoso and acclaimed composer William Barton chat to host Libby O’Donovan about his inspiring career as a First Nations artist and his connection to Adelaide Festival Centre.

Our commitment to reconciliation
Adelaide Festival Centre's Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan launches today, furthering our commitment to be a destination where equity thrives and First Nations people and cultures are recognised, engaged, represented and celebrated.

From the Wings: Ep. 12 OUR WORDS: Aboriginal Narratives
Award-winning Yankunytjatjara author Ali Cobby Eckermann and founder and Artistic Director of Winda Film Festival, Yaegl woman Pauline Clague join OUR WORDS for its third and final panel – Aboriginal Narratives.

From the Wings: Ep. 3 - Our Words
Hear Elaine Crombie, Seb Lawrie, and Nara Wilson discussing First Nations representation on the page, stage, and screen.

From the Wings: Ep. 2 - Our Words
Hear Karen Wyld and Deb Edwards in a deep, sprawling. and funny conversation.

From the Wings: Ep. 1 - Our Words
Hear Dominic Guerrera, Natalie Harkin, and Ali Cobby Eckermann discussing their own work, and the theme of identity, in the rich and engaging discussion.

Foundation Impact Stories: Our Mob 2021 - Trevor Nickolls Art Prize
OUR MOB 2021 celebrated the work of some of South Australia's talented First Nations artists. Kokotha artist Maude Parker was awarded the inaugural Trevor Nickolls Art Prize, which is supported by the Adelaide Festival Centre Foundation.

Foundation Impact Stories: NAIDOC Week 2020
To celebrate NAIDOC Week 2020, students from Craigmore High School and Playford International College worked with Barkindji woman and Artist Mentor Nancy Bates.

Support our First Nations program
By donating to our First Nations Programs, you will provide crucial support for First Nations creatives to produce, promote, and showcase works across all areas of the arts, so that all South Australians can learn and celebrate First Nations cultures and histories.