You can adapt suggested activities within Adelaide Festival Centre’s teaching resources to your own classroom context.
Each resource has been designed to connect the curriculum with collection items, performances and programs included in Adelaide Festival Centre’s centrED School Program.
Explore our range of resources for schools below:
Costumes of the Performing Arts Collection
Suitability: Secondary students

Dance Geometry
Suitability: Years 1 to 6

Kaleidoscope: Playing with Colour
Suitability: Years 3 to 8

Kaurna Reconciliation Sculpture
Suitability: All years

Legendary Textile Tales
Suitability: Years 5 to 9

Career Guide
Created for students, parents, teachers, and counsellors to use as a guide to careers in the festival and event industry.

Read more about centrED
Foundation Impact Stories: 2024 Nathaniel O’Brien Class of Cabaret Scholarship Recipient
Waikerie High School student Ellen Kroehn has been named the recipient of the prestigious 2024 Nathaniel O'Brien Class of Cabaret Scholarship.

Foundation Impact Stories: "Thank you, Thank you very much"
With the generous support of David Venn Enterprises and Adelaide Festival Centre Foundation, schools and communities from across Adelaide were given the opportunity to see a performance of Elvis: A Musical Revolution.

Foundation Impact Stories: Nathaniel O’Brien Class of Cabaret Scholarship 2023
Since 2016, regional students in Years 10 and 11 have been given the opportunity to apply for the Nathaniel O’Brien Class of Cabaret Scholarship program.

Foundation Impact Stories: centrED hosts a magical Mary Poppins experience!
Adelaide Festival Centre’s centrED Schools Program hosted 200 students, teachers and caregivers from five NASSSA (Northern Adelaide State Secondary Schools Alliance) schools at Mary Poppins.