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School Bookings

How to book tickets for schools groups to events at Adelaide Festival Centre and Her Majesty's Theatre.

Adelaide cityscape with Adelaide Festival Centre's white shell-like roofs, a river, bridge, and city skyline in the background.

School group bookings for paid events are made via the School Booking Form.

To submit your group booking, please follow the instructions on the form, ensuring you complete all required fields. Your booking will be confirmed by the Ticketek Group Bookings team within a reasonable timeframe and an invoice will be sent to you for payment. 

Teachers must pay for events within a week of the event, or they will lose the booking and preference will go to the next school on the waiting list. Tickets will be sent to your nominated contact or can be collected from the venue on the day.

For enquiries about school bookings please contact Ticketek.

Ticketek School Bookings

Free Events and Tours

If you're booking a free workshop, learning experience or activity managed by the Education Officer, a specific booking form will be provided. Any inquiries should go to the Education Officer:

centrED team

Once the completed form or booking enquiry is received by the Education team, they will confirm within a reasonable timeframe via email or phone.

NOTE: Teachers should always alert the centrED Education team to the educational objectives and learning context of each visit.

School Group Ticket Prices

Our school booking program enables schools to purchase a limited number of discounted tickets to Adelaide Festival Centre presented performances. Please use the School Booking Form to access.

Every year centrED distribute their program to all South Australian schools so that teachers of all year levels can access information about booking shows with the discounted tickets.

Equity Program

Adelaide Festival Centre’s centrED is committed to equity and access for all South Australian students by providing equity prices and transport subsidies for regional schools, Department IoED Category 1-4 schools, and other schools with an ICSEA lower than 950.

If a show or activity has an Equity price it will be shown in the pricing details. Equity schools are invited to apply for transport subsidies should travel costs prohibit attendance at an Adelaide Festival Centre presented performance or workshop.

Transport Subsidies

South Aus­tralian region­al and equi­ty schools are invit­ed to con­tact cen­trED to apply for trans­port sub­si­dies should trav­el costs pro­hib­it atten­dance at an Ade­laide Fes­ti­val Cen­tre pre­sent­ed per­for­mance or workshop. 

Please con­tact cen­trED if you have any fur­ther questions.

The CentrED program is supported by the South Australian Department for Education and Adelaide Festival Centre Foundation. You can support the work of the Foundation in delivering youth and education programs and career development opportunities.

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