The promenade overlooks the River Torrens and connects King William Road and the Riverbank Footbridge, linking Festival Theatre and Dunstan Playhouse, providing an interesting way to access to all venues.
For each year, three stars are added to the walkway. In addition to the public choice, two more stars are selected by Adelaide Festival Centre Trust (AFCT) and a panel of arts critics. Past recipients include Roy Orbison, Cold Chisel, Olivia Newton-John, Dame Edna Everage, Hugo Weaving, Cate Blanchett, Tim Minchin, Paul Kelly, Guy Sebastian and Kate Ceberano.
The public vote is hotly contested every year. Thank you to the thousands of Australians who voted online for their favourite Adelaide Festival Centre performers. Also, many thanks to the arts panel for their industry knowledge in awarding the prestigious Critics’ Choice star, and Adelaide Festival Centre staff for their passionate debates in awarding the distinguished AFCT Choice.
2023 Winners
Hans (Matt Gilbertson)Public Vote
Disco Spektakular Tour 2023
Beloved South Australian entertainer, Hans (Matt Gilbertson), has been announced as the recipient of Adelaide Festival Centre’s Walk of Fame Public Choice star. Australia’s favourite Berlin boy-wonder and award-winning performer Hans won the Public Choice for his performance in Disco Spektakular Tour 2023.
“There are so many people I admire and look up to named on the Walk of Fame, so to now be joining them is a very special moment for me. It’s also vey humbling to be given the Public Choice star. I feel very lucky to have such a loyal audience here in Adelaide and I’m thrilled that they’ll now be able to walk all over me for years to come.”
— Hans

Nancy BatesCritics' Choice
Still Talking ‘Bout a Revolution
Accomplished singer-songwriter and Barkindji woman Nancy Bates won the Critics’ Choice star for her performance in Still Talking ‘Bout a Revolution.
“I am stunned to receive the news that I have been awarded a place on the Adelaide Festival Centre's Walk of Fame, alongside so many renowned artists. I hope this speaks volumes to First Nations women in music, that an Independent Artist, without the support of a major music label, can be recognised for her activism, her truth, and her deep commitment to utilising music for social impact."
— Nancy Bates

Patti Newton AMAFCT Choice
Mary Poppins
Legendary Australian entertainer Patti Newton AM was presented with Adelaide Festival Centre Trust’s Choice for the Walk of Fame star while she was in Adelaide performing the role of Bird Woman in Mary Poppins.
It’s an absolute honour for me to receive this star, I think it’s wonderful and I feel very privileged and grateful to be receiving this award. I think Bert would be extremely happy about it, knowing that he already had a star, and he’d love the fact that we’re both together too and that’s how we will always stay.
— Patti Newton

Adelaide Festival Centre’s Walk of Fame is proudly supported by The Advertiser.