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Hero ZOOOM credit Matt Byrne 2 EDIT

Patch Theatre

, installations, architecture, exhibitions and music. He has a long and notable history with Patch Theatre, having worked on a variety of productions including The Fastest Boy, Emily Loves to Bounce and Me & My


Crew Image
5 min read

What We're Reading

Memories and Memoirs Opening Night Gala   Fantasy & Sci-Fi 34.2% Expand Our staff love to be transported into another world, dimension or landscape. The question is: escaping reality or enhancing


International Jazz Day 30th April 2021 2 27 30 04 2021 8356

Visit Information

and have a deeper learning experience.  Take a look at our learning resources. Audience etiquette Adelaide Festival Centre is a professional working arts complex with four theatres and a variety


IMG 3792 photo by Helen Trepa 2
5 min read

Foundation Impact Stories: The Space Makers

Expand Image: Helen Trepa Expand Lewis Constantine Image: Helen Trepa The artists have utilised a variety of recycled materials from the archives and storerooms of Adelaide Festival Centre, including


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Iow22 planner and map 03112022

MONTEFIORE ROAD BANQUET ROOM 2. HAUNT: LIMINAL x WRITERS’ SA Elizabeth Flux Cher Tan Smriti Daniel (Moderator) Lyn Dickens (Moderator) BANQUET ROOM OPENING NIGHT GALA Katherine Tamiko Arguile Jackie Bailey


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2016 inspace program

Haren’s new project Watch will treat all YouTube material as equal citizens – from 1980s Italian variety show dance phrases to cats jumping in boxes. Watch examines the complexities of how we experience


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BIG Family Weekend digital map and schedule

1.15pm 11am Big Family Weekend Gala Festival Theatre P 2.30pm Erth’s Prehistoric World Dunstan Playhouse P 10.30am, 1pm 10.30am, 1pm Tutti’s Big Sing-a-long Festival Theatre P 2.30pm Wilfrid Gordon


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Iow22 planner and map

ROAD BANQUET ROOM 2. HAUNT: LIMINAL x WRITERS’ SA Elizabeth Flux Cher Tan Smriti Daniel (Moderator) Lyn Dickens (Moderator) BANQUET ROOM OPENING NIGHT GALA Katherine Tamiko Arguile Jackie Bailey


CF24 CC 180 Web

Class of Cabaret

: Either two contrasting songs (maximum 2 minutes each) Or one 2min song and one 2min variety act (this could be dance, rap, stand-up comedy, spoken word poetry, clowning, magic or a monologue) The two


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Y3 4 assesment table childrens artspace kaleidoscope 1

– “I would choose red, blue and yellow because they are the colours of my footy team” • Shows variety in the shape the draw, changing the size, direction, and position of the shape as much as they can

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