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Adelaide cityscape with Adelaide Festival Centre's white shell-like roofs, a river, bridge, and city skyline in the background.

Charlotte TATTON

in 2021. During her studies, she showcased her work in various student exhibitions including “Wish You Were Here” and the annual 10 x 10 exhibition at Central Gallery. She was also a finalist


Adelaide cityscape with Adelaide Festival Centre's white shell-like roofs, a river, bridge, and city skyline in the background.

Mervyn SMITH

artist and teacher Ruth Tuck OAM (b.1914 – d.2008). Together, they raised three children: a son and twin daughters. From his first exhibition in 1947 until 1993 his works were shown extensively


pdf 1.6MB

Adelaide Festival Centre Trust 2021 22 annual report

outcomes. The Moon Lantern Festival for example, a traditional highlight of the OzAsia program evolved into the Moon Lantern Trail. Spread over four days, audiences were encouraged to rove through


Adelaide cityscape with Adelaide Festival Centre's white shell-like roofs, a river, bridge, and city skyline in the background.

Vibra 2

by the iridescence of the colour ... not only did the colour seem to be vibrating with intensity but at the same time it gave the impression of being something solid. [...] The surroundings were drowned


Adelaide cityscape with Adelaide Festival Centre's white shell-like roofs, a river, bridge, and city skyline in the background.

Sculpture No. 2

at the UniSA South Australian School of Art, where he became Head of Sculpture. It was during this period that some of his best-known works were produced including The Spheres affectionately called ‘Malls Balls


Adelaide cityscape with Adelaide Festival Centre's white shell-like roofs, a river, bridge, and city skyline in the background.


vernacular. She is best-known for her large-scale brightly coloured macramé tapestries. She used the same technique and 24mm thick rope for all her tapestries. Her artworks were made from knotted cotton rope


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3 min read

Foundation Impact Stories: centrED hosts a magical Mary Poppins experience!

." — Teacher, Northern Adelaide State Secondary Schools Alliance All costs were covered as a joint effort between the Mary Poppins Australia team who provided discounted tickets and Adelaide Festival


pdf 2.8MB

Adelaide Festival Centre - Annual Report 2008-2009

office and ancillary income streams. Strategies were put in place to contain costs and manage a tough year of readjustment. Over the twelve month period attendances at ticketed events were 441,757


Adelaide cityscape with Adelaide Festival Centre's white shell-like roofs, a river, bridge, and city skyline in the background.

Three Ladies on a Log

experiences were so different from what Australian children know today. I want to tell my story, so they don’t ever do it again. They took away my family, my culture and who I could have been


Adelaide cityscape with Adelaide Festival Centre's white shell-like roofs, a river, bridge, and city skyline in the background.

Sir Robert Helpmann

were raised by the Friends of the Festival in a campaign underwritten by the State Government Insurance Commission (SGIC). Unveiled by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, 10 March, 1986. Adelaide Festival Centre Works of Art Collection. Expand


Brochure Art Start centr ED 2020 photo credit Amber Eyes 1

2025 DreamBIG Statewide Professional Learning Program

The Department for Education is proud to partner with DreamBIG Children’s Festival to offer statewide professional learning based on the learning sequences in the Teaching and Learning Resources.


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Our stories learning resource 2021

!”. And the three means “Come now, you’re invited”. (page 4) All the neighbouring groups saw this and they came to where the smoke was. And when the groups got there, they were invited to eat the fish. More people


The princess the pea 1136x994

The Princess, The Pea (and The Brave Escapee)

An original play by Finegan Kruckemeyer with music by Bryony Marks
In "The Princess, The Pea (and the Brave Escapee)" musicians will tell the story of a princess who dreams of escape… and how she ended up on a prince’s doorstep. Showing as part of Adelaide Festival Centre's DreamBIG Festival.


Adelaide cityscape with Adelaide Festival Centre's white shell-like roofs, a river, bridge, and city skyline in the background.


was selected as the City of Adelaide’s NAIDOC artist of the year. In 2023, her artworks were acquired by the Governor of South Australia and Adelaide Festival Centre’s Works of Art Collection. Her work


2 min read

June '24 Moving Image Program

with which different beliefs were absorbed and respected by one another. I began to look closely at objects that act as symbols and containers for meaning and memory, drawing similarities to the stories


Adelaide cityscape with Adelaide Festival Centre's white shell-like roofs, a river, bridge, and city skyline in the background.

Tall Women

series for La Triennale di Milano in 1973. These ten iconic figures were then acquired by Adelaide Festival Centre and form a memorable part of the Works of Art Collection.    Born in 1935, Dudley




. If more theatre were like this, the world would be a magical place indeed. — Australian Stage Online Andy Packer Artistic Director, Slingsby Andy is a director of theatre, music theatre and opera. He has


pdf 1.7MB

Adelaide Festival Centre - Annual Report 2003-2004

service awards were given. It was a busy year with the Centre hosting numerous international events and activities such as the Adelaide Festival, the Australian Performing Arts Market, and of course

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