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Shake & Stir in association with Adelaide Festival Centre presents


By George Orwell
Theatre Schools
Dunstan Playhouse
Feature Image 1
5 shows

Big Brother is back.

Strap in for an electrifying take on the George Orwell classic – from the multi-award winning creative minds at Shake & Stir (Dracula, Fourteen and The Twits).

It was a bright cold day, and the clocks were striking thirteen... 

Winston Smith, an editor at the Ministry of Truth, sits quietly. A quick swig of gin; a glance of quiet optimism toward the telescreen. Winston opens his diary, puts pen to paper, and in doing so, commits the essential crime that contains all others in itself. A radical and unprecedented act of rebellion.

Discovered, entrapped, and incarcerated in the Ministry of Love, Winston, in defending his burning desire for personal freedom, prepares for the fight of his life. Can the oppressive forces of The Party, led by BIG BROTHER, obliterate the indomitable human spirit? 

And what exactly awaits within Room 101?

Original Australian cast pictured


Performances available for schools

Age Suitability

In partnership with

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body.


  • Nelle jpg Nelle Lee Adaptor
  • Nick 3 jpg Nick Skubji Adaptor
  • Michael headshot jpg Michael Futcher Director
  • Ross jpg Ross Balbuziente Creative Producer
  • Josh mac heashot 01a 1 jpg Josh McIntosh Designer
  • Headshotday2020 jason glenwright 5 1 jpg Jason Glenwright Lighting Designer
  • Gw headshot 2019 jpg Guy Webster Sound Designer
  • Craig portrait morgan roberts 20220131 106 jpg Craig Wilkinson Video Designer



Mon 23 June

Tue 24 June

Wed 25 June

Thu 26 June

Sat 28 June

Sun 29 June

Performance Location: Dunstan Playhouse

Dunstanplayhouse 900x600

You can enter Dunstan Playhouse by foot from North Ter­race, Ade­laide Rail­way Sta­tion, Ade­laide Oval, or King William Road. 

From North Ter­race, walk down the laneway along­side SkyC­i­ty Casi­no. From King William Road, you can walk over Fes­ti­val Plaza (there’s a lift and esca­la­tor down to the Dunstan Play­house lev­el) or along the Walk of Fame from Elder Park.

Directions via Google

Accessible drop off

There is an acces­si­ble drop off area locat­ed off Fes­ti­val Dri­ve under the River­bank Footbridge.

A des­ig­nat­ed dis­abil­i­ty drop off is also avail­able 45 min­utes before per­for­mances. To access this drop off area, turn onto Fes­ti­val Dri­ve from King William Road, pass the Fes­ti­val Plaza car park entrance and stay left, dri­ving through the EOS Hotel vis­i­tor drop off loop to arrive at the Dun­stan Play­house & Space Theatre access drop off. 

Taxi services

The best place to be dropped off by taxi is on King William Road at the Fes­ti­val The­atre or on North Terrace. There is also a drop off area locat­ed off low­er Fes­ti­val Dri­ve under­neath the River­bank Footbridge. 

Car parking

The nearest car park is the Convention Centre Riverbank Car Park

  • Open: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Location: Festival Drive (adjacent Montefiore Road), Adelaide
  • Entry: Festival Dr via King William Rd (Height: 2.0m) | Festival Dr via Montefiore Rd (Height: 2.0m)

Once you've parked, the eastern lift will take you to the promenade level where it's a short walk to the theatre. 

Go to Adelaide Convention Centre website

Public transport

Accessible by many forms of public transport including trains, buses, the tram (stop at Railway Station) and a free bus service that operates on a loop throughout the city and North Adelaide with stops on the corner of King William Road and North Terrace.

Go to Adelaide Metro website

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