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Flinders University – Discipline of Archaeology

Reuniting Cargoes

Underwater Cultural Heritage from the Maritime Silk and Spice Route
The Galleries, Festival Theatre
Priyambudi Sulistiyanto
2 dates



Open 10am - 3pm Friday and Saturdays between the 24 Oct - 25 Jan.

Also open during Festival Theatre performance times.

Please note, The Gallery will be closed on 27 and 28 December 2024.




The Maritime Silk and Spice Route witnessed a vast exchange of ideas, religions, languages, and objects.   

However, the significance of the salvaged shipwrecks and cargoes remains untold.  

Reuniting Cargoes showcases trade ceramics from the 9th to the 19th centuries and digital reconstructions of the ships, illustrating how archaeologists and communities use science to uncover their cultural importance.   

These narratives guide us towards protecting underwater cultural heritage for future generations.


In partnership with


Lead Chief Investigator: Associate Professor Martin Polkinghorne 

Chief Investigator: Associate Professor Tom Chandler 

Research Fellow and PhD Candidate: Nia Naelul Hasanah Ridwan 

Research Fellow and PhD Candidate: Zainab Tahir 

Research Fellow and PhD Candidate: Mike Yeates 

Research Assistant:  Mike Yeates

3D Animator: Muniera Dubery

This research is funded by Australian Research Council Linkage Program (LP210200165) with contributions from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan), Universitas Gajah Mada, Southeast Asian Ministers Education Organisation - Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts, The Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Alastair Hunter OAM, Michael Abbott AO KC and Douglas Gautier AM. 

Performance Location: The Galleries, Festival Theatre

Gallery space in Festival Theatre foyer, with items on display in glass cabinets. The carpet is dark red in colour and the walls are white.

The Galleries are located in the Festival Theatre Foyer. The most direct way to enter the Festival Theatre is from King William Road, near the cor­ner of Elder Park, or Fes­ti­val Plaza. 

You can also walk from North Ter­race via the laneway along­side SkyC­i­ty Casi­no or by cross­ing the foot­bridge from Ade­laide Oval.


If you require an acces­si­ble drop off area, use the dri­ve through zone just off King William Road, approx­i­mate­ly 100 metres north of the car park entrance. This is are is acces­si­ble when trav­el­ing north on King William Road. When King William Road is closed for major events, the near­est acces­si­ble drop off area is on the west side of Ade­laide Fes­ti­val Cen­tre, along­side Fes­ti­val Dri­ve under the River­bank Footbridge.

Taxi services

There is no for­mal taxi rank on King William Road, but taxis can use the dri­ve through zone just off King William Road, approx­i­mate­ly 100 metres north of the car park entrance. This is acces­si­ble when trav­el­ing north on King William Road. 

The near­est taxi ranks are locat­ed on North Ter­race, out­side the Casi­no and Rail­way Sta­tion, and on King William Street next to Run­dle Mall.

Car parking

The closest parking is available at Fes­ti­val Plaza Car Park, accessible from King William Road or Mon­te­fiore Road. Fol­low the signs on Fes­ti­val Dri­ve and dri­ve down to the low­er lev­els to park near B3 or B4. From there the King William Road lifts will take you to the Fes­ti­val The­atre entrance. Vis­it the Fes­ti­val Plaza Car Park web­site for more information. 

You can also use the Con­ven­tion Cen­tre’s River­bank Car Park or one of a num­ber of near­by city car parks. 

Public transport

Accessible by many forms of public transport. Including trains, buses, the tram (stop at Railway Station) and a free bus service that operates on a loop throughout the city and North Adelaide with stops on the corner of King William Road and North Terrace.

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