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Sensorium Theatre


Latvian Hall
Wonderbox afc website 2560x1280
6 shows
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School Price


Equity School Price

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School Price


Equity School Price

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School Price


Equity School Price

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School Price


Equity School Price

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School Price


Equity School Price

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School Price


Equity School Price


Subsidy programs available for regional and equity schools.

Adelaide Festival Centre’s centrED offers ticket and transport subsidies for eligible schools. Learn more or apply.

Sensorium Theatre invites children to roll the dice and set out along a safe, exhilarating pathway into the unknown.

Inside a giant puzzle-box of illusions, kooky-carnival friends lead audiences into an immersive multi-sensory wonderland of fantastical large-scale projections, strange tiny delights, and infectious live music.

As boxes reveal boxes within boxes each child is given the opportunity to find a magical version of themselves.

Inside the Wonderbox, EVERYONE is invited to be wonderful! 

Sensorium Theatre is Australia’s leading theatre company making work specifically designed for young audiences with disability and their friends.

Enhance your experience by using Wonderbox's online preparatory materials available here. These resources will familiarise you with the story, characters, songs and storytelling methods, resulting in a more enjoyable show experience.

Wonderbox is a show specifically created for children with Disability.

DreamBIG’s staff will work with you to adapt the performance to accommodate the specific requirements of each audience member.

Image | Jessica Wyld

Wonderbox is a dynamic, multi-sensory fest which engages young people with disabilities in a joyous, play-based performance.

— SeeSaw Mag

Age Suitability
Year Levels

Part of

A scattering of colourful and vibrant faces drawn by a child depicting an array of emotions, scattered across a white background.

DreamBIG Children’s Festival is South Australia’s iconic biennial arts festival for schools and families that places its audience at the centre of fresh, inventive, imaginative and inspiring arts experiences.

Discover DreamBIG Children's Festival

In partnership with

Commissioned by the 2023 Perth Festival and produced by Performing Lines WA, Wonderbox has been supported by Lotterywest and the Cassandra Ganter Foundation. The 2024/25 National Tour has been made possible by the Australian Government's Playing Australia program, managed by Creative Australia, its arts funding and advisory body. Sensorium Theatre acknowledges ongoing support from DLGSC and Creative Australia.

School Performances


Mon 12 May

Tue 13 May

Sat 17 May

Sun 18 May

Performance Location: Latvian Hall

Latvian hall

It is conveniently located on the perimeter of the city at Wayville.

It is conveniently located in close proximity to the Central Business District of Adelaide, with buses and trams running close by.

Getting There

Street parking is available.


This venue is step-free and is wheelchair accessible. Accessible toilets are available, please be aware that the door to the toilet is a bit heavy.

There is a disabled carpark on site - access from Rose Terrace.

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